I’m Danny Burger. Yes, that is spelled B-U-R-G-E-R just like hamburger.
It’s nice to have a name that people wonder how you’re doing while they’re in line at McDonalds.
As an amateur cartoonist, I focus on the playful side of life. I use primarily pencil and paper to create work that’s lighthearted and spontaneous. I have also recently begun to expand into digital art using a tablet. Whether traditional or digital, I embrace art as a way to bring joy to others.
I owe much of my inspiration as an artist to my late grandfather. He was a commercial artist, enthusiast of the South West aesthetic, and my first art teacher. Although our styles differ widely—his structured, mine more whimsical—his passion for the arts is what led me to want to create.
Today, I explore both traditional pencil and paper and digital mediums, merging the old with the new as I develop my own artistic voice.
Beyond cartooning, this desire to create extends into my work as an aspiring Travel YouTuber and one of the hosts of the Down Range Podcast. Whether I’m drawing, capturing a travel experience, or recording a podcast, my goal remains the same: to help people enjoy life, even if only for a few minutes.
The mediums may be different, but the purpose is aligned—I want to create content that offers a moment of lightness.
My artistic process is off-the-cuff and spontaneous. I don’t over-plan or set strict guidelines. Instead, I allow myself to be present in the moment, drawing inspiration from wherever it comes.
At the end of the day, my work, in whatever form it takes, is about bringing joy. If my cartoons, travel videos, or podcasts can make someone smile or take their mind off things for a little while, then I’ve succeeded in what I set out to do.